Does Hanging Improve Tenderness & Season

Aging your deer meat volition improve tenderness and gustation, but it must be done correctly. Here are a few helpful tips in grooming for aging your meat and producing the all-time flavor.

What Is Meat Aging

Hanging (aging) your venison allows the enzymes in the muscles to breakdown complex proteins. If done correctly this will enhance the flavor and tenderize the meat.

The Best Way To Hang Your Deer

You desire to hang your deer by the hind-legs with the olfactory property glands removed. So remove the head and hide allowing fluids to drain and the meat to cool.

Cut off the head – You want to accept the head off as shortly as you lot become the deer hung. This will allow the spinal fluids and blood to drain. Just one small tip in helping produce the best tasting Venison.

Taking off the hide – Remove the hide as before long as possible. Many hunters say this does not make a difference, but it makes a large difference. Do non exist one of those hunters that put their deer on the hood or in the back of the truck to show off. Why, the hide contains fats and oils, which contributes to the potent wild gustatory modality in your meat, so yous want to minimize this as much as possible and get the meat cooled down quickly. Just another small tip in helping produce the best tasting Venison.

Removing the Odor Glands – The scent glands are another source of fluids that contribute to a wild game sense of taste, and so you want to remove these as presently as possible. Since the scent glands in the cheeks are removed when yous remove the caput you do not need to cutting these off separately. Even so, the smell glands on the hind-legs should exist remove in the field or at least correct before you hang your deer.

What Temperature Should The Meat Exist Hung At

When yous shoot a deer attempt to get it cooling down as quick as possible, preferably beneath 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Do non let the meat freeze when hanging equally this will stop the aging process and event in tougher meat. The Best temperature to age your meat is between 36 & 40 degrees Fahrenheit, assuasive natural enzymes to breakup the meat versus leaner.

How Long Should Your Deer Hang

The size of the deer plays a major function in the hang time, pocket-size deer hang for iv days and large deer hang for a week under controlled temperatures. Avoid butchering your deer during the starting time mean solar day when rigor mortis is setting in. Butchering during this time will cause the meat to be tougher as the muscles are contracting. It would be better to wait at lease one 24-hour interval to permit for some aging.

Tip – Aging your deer meat naturally for upwards to a week will produce the best flavour & tenderness and assistance reduce the wild taste.

Field Dressing Your Deer

When field dressing your deer accept your time and do a slap-up job, getting all the entrails out. Avert cutting into the stomach as its contents volition be absorbed into the meat, giving it a stronger taste. If you lot have snow, fill up the cavity with it cooling downwardly the meat as much equally possible.

Once you lot hang and skin your deer clean both the exterior and inside of your deer thoroughly. If the float is total practice non cut this or allow it to drip on your meat, this volition too give the meat a strong taste. If needed get out the bladder or place a minor container effectually it when removing, capturing whatever urine that may escape.

How to Butcher Your Deer

Hither I show you how to butcher your deer by the deboning process. The main cuts are; Chops, Rounds, Roast, and meat for grinding.